March 27th, 2022
Dear Graduates,
It’s a pleasure to be here today. This event marks yet another celebration to the brightest stars in AIU … our beloved graduates.
We gathered here to celebrate peace, unity, and love, we are hoping that this feeling spreads around the world and we can find peace and respect between countries.
This graduation is proof that ACHIEVING DREAMS is possible in spite of any situation life presents to you, you have DONE it and you will continue to grow exponentially and most importantly, your story will motivate this and future generations to achieve GREATNESS.
45 countries are represented here today, showing the world once again that things can get done by working together, this is a true testament of what UNITED NATIONS looks like, today our graduates are shinning more than ever and take the spot to show pieces of their lives with all of us.
I have a message to you all today; a message I want you to take to your world.
Tell them;
Our opinions may differ, but we can still find a way to live amongst ourselves and make the world a better place.
Tell them;
Our differences should not separate us. Our differences should unite us. What makes us unique is that we are different.
Tell them;
That labels should not divide us. Whether one is black or white, or brown, or Hispanic, it doesn’t matter, it is just a label, there is only one race, that is the human race. We are, first, humans before we are anything else.
Tell your world;
That war is not the answer, conflict can be resolved through diplomacy and by respecting each other. We are here, we are one.
And to you, I say;
Now is the time to break existing thought patterns.
Now is the time to create new paradigms.
Now is the time to make the world a better place.
And you are the ones leading this charge. Each and every one of you.
A tree cannot make a forest, but a tree will make a difference.
Be the difference wherever you find yourself.
As you leave here today, know that you are stars. So shine.
In conclusion:
Many successful stories reunited here with different motives, but with one same goal – to make the world a better place and build a LEGACY around it. Thank you for taking this PLEDGE and joining AIU in this journey. Thank you to your families and friends for providing you with the perfect environment to succeed in your program, thank you for committing yourself to your goals for 2030, thank you for your time, experience, and courage to face life’s hurdles with boldness. Congratulations AIU Graduates, today we are looking up and seeing the brightest and shiniest stars in the Atlantic International University universe. Rise up; rise like the sun and like the wave, chase that dream, take that vacation, love more, keep moving on. Believe in yourself, there is no limit to what you can achieve. Make your world a better place!
Jose Mercado

Dr. Jose Mercado
Chairman of the Board of Trustees