Congratulations to all our graduates!
The following message were recorded to all our graduates by individuals who have created an impact in the world and succeed throughout all the disciplines they practice by considering Human Rights and Paradigm breaking as a pinnacle of their success, Atlantic International University proudly share their message and encourage you to grow exponentially and reach your maximum potential to create a better world.

Steve Wozniak
is an American electronics engineer, computer programmer, philanthropist, and technology entrepreneur.
In 1976, he co-founded Apple Inc. with business partner Steve Jobs, which later became the world's largest information technology company by revenue and the largest company in the world by market capitalization.
Through their work at Apple in the 1970s and 1980s, he and Jobs are widely recognized as two prominent pioneers of the personal computer revolution.
My dream was actually just to have a computer some day. If I'd imagined that it meant starting a company to sell them, I probably would have avoided the whole thing.
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